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Aliso Creek Church is a community of people resting in the love and grace of Jesus—the one who transforms our brokenness, compels us to serve our neighbors, and calls us to tell the world about him.


We seek to be a place that helps people from every generation and background find true rest in Jesus. Our aim is to welcome people in and carry the good news out beyond our walls, faithfully serving our neighbors and making disciples here in Orange County and around the world.



The gospel is our primary value and the animating force behind everything we do. The word “gospel” means “good news,” but it first confronts us with the reality of our brokenness. We are in this state because we have turned away from God, seeking to control our own lives. Yet, despite being fully known in our flaws and failures, the gospel assures us that we are fully loved—loved enough that God entered our world through Jesus, who lived the perfect life we cannot live and died in our place. Through Jesus’ work, we are given hope and freedom as we rest in the truth that he has done everything necessary to bring us back to God, the one for whom our souls long.

The following values are gifts that flow from the gospel:


In a world that constantly demands more from us, the gospel invites us to rest in the finished work of Jesus. We believe that true peace and fulfillment come not from our efforts but from trusting in what Christ has already accomplished. As we experience this rest, we want to offer it to others, creating a space where people can come as they are and encounter Jesus.


The gospel not only brings us into a relationship with God but also makes us part of a family where we belong to one another. At Aliso Creek, we are an intergenerational community, doing life together in meaningful ways. We worship, eat, serve, learn, and celebrate together, sharing both the joys and challenges of our lives. Our community is a place where believers and seekers alike can find a space to belong, ask questions, and explore faith, knowing that Jesus welcomes all.


While we are constantly being shaped by the world around us, the gospel offers us the opportunity to be transformed into the image of Jesus. God uses his word, prayer, fellowship, and worship to shape us, introducing us to rhythms of grace that renew our hearts and minds. Our formation is not just for our own sake but equips us to live out our mission, participating in God’s work of making disciples in Orange County and beyond.


The gospel not only draws us in to find rest and shapes us to be more like Jesus; it also gives us the beautiful gift of purpose. We are brought in, restored, and then sent out to serve our neighbors and tell others about Jesus. Our driving desire is to see those who don’t know Jesus brought into his kingdom, actively participating in his redemptive work both locally and globally. Embracing this mission, we abide in Jesus’ love and rely on the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, knowing he goes before us in all we do.